Marchaux 2010
Hello to all Road Racing fans, it's Arnaud MOTTE again.
This is the report of the third race of the French HillClimb championship.
Welcome in Marchaux, in the east of the France, not so far from the Switzerland. This race is at only 8km of my home, so big pressure on my shoulders. This race will be very great, because Jonathan GOETSCHY is back for only one race, so very interesting battle.
Daniel DENIS
So after the trainings:
La Buche is second in 600cc, Nicolas BOSSON is very very strong this year. He puts 0.6sec at GOETSCHY!
In 1000cc, La Buche is still second, beat by Daniel DENIS, the new king of HillClimb. (he is the only rider to have the title in 50cc, 125cc, 250cc, 600cc)
DENIS puts 0.6 sec at GOETSCHY, same gap as 600cc.
It will be a very good race in this sunday afternoon.
Gregory BOSSON
In 250cc, domination of Nicolas GUENARD, a supermotard rider. (supermotard is very great in this hillclimb, who is very very small and lot of 180° corners). In side car, the first is DICHAMP/POURCELOT, in Quad, BESANCON.
In my category, 125cc, i found the good settings the saturday (best time for MACHET), and the sunday morning, a big surprise, i made the best time, with 0.9sec on the second. I'm very happy, i hope same for the race. Unfortunatelly, in race, i'm 4, at only 0.1sec of the podium, and 0.3sec of the victory! I'm a little disappointed, because all my family, friends were here, but it's not so bad.
So the races:
In 600, big surprise of the brother of Nicolas BOSSON, Gregory BOSSON win the race (he is only 4 at rise 1, but win the race at rise 2).
Very small gap between the riders, La Buche is third at only 0.078 sec. Great battle.
In 1000cc, GOETSCHY, beat DENIS for only 0.023sec, very small gap! But DENIS reacted in second rise, and win the race. Great battle too!
In 250cc, like during trainings, GUENARD beat everybody, with big domination. In quad, BESANCON win the two rises, in side car, DICHAMP/POURCELOT win the first rise, and for the big pleasure of everybody, Mister Bernard PIROUTET and his daughter Aline, win the second! (they are my neighbours, so this race is also their race, and Bernard is 13 times Hillclimb Champion, so he is very very famous).
Arnaud MOTTE
VIdeo : Marchaux 2010
The weekend was fantastic, with memorables battles, lot of spectators, fantastic for everybody.
I hope you enjoy reading, thanks to you.
Arnaud MOTTE, reporter for
Marchaux 2010 600cc practise.pdf (108,1 kB)
Marchaux 2010 600cc race1.pdf (107,6 kB)
Marchaux 2010 1000cc race1.pdf (117,4 kB)